Drive Compatibility
With our new 25 GB Blu-ray M-Disc, you can now archive more easily with a larger capacity disc that is more widely compatible with drives in the market. Our new Blu-ray is based on the same 1,000 year standard for longevity and is certified by the Blu-ray Disc Association to meet all current standard drive specifications for optimum Read/Write performance. The drives below have been tested for optimum performance.
The 4.7GB M-Disc DVD is the original M-Disc. Although it has a smaller capacity than the new Blu-ray it still offers 1,000 year protection for the data you want to truly archive with confidence. Not all DVD drives are capable of writing to the M-Disc DVD. Please refer to the list below for drives that are optimized for writing to our DVD. All DVD drives are capable of reading the M-Disc DVD.
Having a hard time figuring out what type of drive you already have in your PC or Mac? Click HERE.
Note: All Panasonic Blu-ray writer drives from UJ240 and newer are expected to support M-Disc Blu-ray even if they are not listed here.
Note: All DVD-only drives that carry the M-Disc Logo have been certified by Millenniata to support M-Disc DVD.